How do you make cabin bunk assignments? That’s a question that most camps hear at the start of every summer – from parents, excited campers, and staff.
Of course, every camp has its own unique approach to making bunk assignments.
Usually, it’s something like: “We stare at bunking assignments for days on end, trying to fit all the pieces together in a way that sets campers up for a great summer.”
How to Accomplish Bunk Assignments with Ease
It really can be a challenge. Sometimes, in fact, making cabin assignments feels like trying to complete a master level Sudoku puzzle. Except the starting free-space numbers keep changing. And there are 200, 400 or 800 tiles to fit into the right place.
The good news is: There are tools that can help you work more efficiently on this start-to-summer challenge. Camp cabin assignment software exists for simplifying the process of making cabin and group assignments.
In fact, you could say that the latest and greatest cabin assignment technology is making history!
This age-old camp tradition is finally getting a 21st Century makeover – and thanks to these new technologies, busy camp directors can save time, satisfy more camper preferences, and easily organize all their bunk assignment lists.
What Is Cabin Bunking Assignment Software?
Let’s start off with the basics. In a nutshell, bunk assignment software refers to tools that help camp directors create, organize and share cabin and group assignments.
Here’s another way to think of it. Have you ever heard of the Delaney card?
Teachers at New York public schools used these hand-written cards to create seating charts. Each card had the student’s name, phone number, address and other vital info, and the teacher could then use the cards to arrange a seating chart.
In a way, camp assignment software gives you access to digital Delaney cards for your campers. You can then arrange them by dragging each “card” into a group that you create, whether for a cabin, group or program. Bunk assignment has never been so simple!

You can use this effective digital system for a number of tasks: Creating cabin and group assignments, organizing groups, generating staff cabin assignments, and creating diverse and age-appropriate groups.
Benefits of Using Software for Camp Bunking Assignments
Creating cabin assignments might be the most mind-bending of your springtime to-dos. In a way, it can be a lot of fun too. The task empowers you to create the camp community – one bunk assignment at a time.
Software that helps you do this won’t take any of that control away.
Instead, the real benefit: It will help you work smarter. The right tool can help you eliminate some of those time-consuming manual tasks that slowed the whole process down.
In particular, the right tool will enhance the bunk assigning process in a few cool ways:
- Time Savings – Who doesn’t love a good time-saver? And that’s exactly what assignment software guarantees – shaving hours, if not days, off making bunk assignments. How? First, they help automate simple processes – like organizing your data – and they make generating reports easier.
- Camper Preferences – How do you ask campers and parents for their bunkmate and camper preferences? The right tool makes this easy to integrate right into registration, and then that data becomes available as you begin to create assignments.
- Easy Reporting – Tired of creating group lists? The right tool will cut down the amount of time you spend generating reports. Bunk assignment software makes it easy to create custom reports, share these reports with staff, and store them so they’re accessible. No need for complex spreadsheets and endless email chains.
- Visualization – Create visual bunk assignment lists that feature pictures and camper information. Then, you and your staff can access digital copies on a computer, tablet or smartphone, or you have the option to print out reports to share with staff.
A Deeper Dive: Key Features of Camp Bunking Assignment Software

The software can help to make each step of creating cabin assignments more efficient. From collecting preferences during registration to sharing your finished assignments with staff, the right tool will ensure you can work faster along the way.
What features are guaranteed to help you out the most? Here are a few to get excited about:
- Collecting Camper Preferences
Do you ask campers for their preferred bunkmates or counselors? What about who they’d rather not be paired with?
A lot of times this happens manually on a paper form or online during registration. But what happens to that data afterward? Is it easy to use?
That data should be accessible. You should be able to search it, create reports based on it, and ultimately, use it to create auto-generated bunking assignments.
Let’s say: Johnny wants to bunk with George, but not Kyle. Kyle, on the other hand, wants to be paired with George. It’s requests like this that make creating bunk and group assignments seem like a puzzle without a solution.
A great tool can save you a lot of time by eliminating the need to manually make sure all preferences are considered – the best tools automate the process and plug them right into your bunking assignments.
2. Automated Assignments
Automation doesn’t just ensure camper preferences are added to your assignments. Automation also helps you set parameters and then let the software make sure they’re met. For example, you might set:
- Maximum number of campers in a cabin
- Age ranges for each cabin
- Number of counselors assigned to a cabin
And the software goes to work and makes sure your assignments reflect that. Bam! Like a dash of salt in Emerald’s pot – you can create a first draft of your bunking assignments with the press of a button.
Of course, you might need to fine-tune them, which is much easier with bunk assignment software. You can drag camper records to different cabin lists, reduce numbers in a rookie counselor’s cabin, or optimize groups for different days of the week.
That’s all up to you. After the initial lists are made, you just make sure the i’s are dotted and the t’s are crossed.
3. Visual Organization
The most powerful group assignment tools integrate right into your registration platform. That means all those important camper records – with pictures, contact information, and health requirements – are available right in your bunking assignment tool.
The benefit? You can instantly create rich cabin assignment lists that include a picture and other vital camper data. That helps your counselors and directors match faces to names, and it ensures all your teams have the right information at their fingertips.
4. Quick, Intuitive Reporting
If you’re using an outdated bunk assignment tool, or if you’re still doing it with spreadsheets, reporting can suck up a lot of time. You might have to hit print 50 times to get your master lists created, and then spend an afternoon at the photocopier making enough copies to share with your staff.
The right camp software helps you pull reports out of a hat like a magician.
Why? For starters, all of your lists and cabin reports are organized. Once you’ve created them, they’re stored right there on your management platform. Plus, with quick print options, you can print copies without a hassle.
Another benefit: All your reports are designed to be shared. You can email copies to staff, send a link via email, or push the list to the counselors’ account in your management software. No more relaying lists out to your staff – with bunk assignment software you can share them faster.
5. Sort Reports and Lists Like a Pro
Which campers are in Bunk 11? How about Bunk 15? Who have you paired together in Group C?
The right bunking assignment tool is like a great big digital filing cabinet. You might have kept this information in a binder, or locked away in a spreadsheet. But now, it’s accessible. You can toggle between reports, jump into your bunk assignment dashboard and look up information faster.
Solve the Bunk Assignment Puzzle Like a Pro
Let’s face it: Creating bunk assignments isn’t easy. You’ll be trying to keep everyone happy, while also organizing a camp for a memorable summer.
But if it seems like a master level Sudoku puzzle – there are tools available to help you solve it without scratching your head. The right tool will help you put together lists faster, make the final touches, and then share your picture-perfect cabin lists with staff.
Ready to see how cabin assignment software can help you work smarter?