
10 Summer Camp Instagram Accounts You Should Be Following

Ready for a bit of summer camp inspiration? We’ll get right to it in today’s post: Instagram is one of the best ways to communicate the heart and culture of your camp to parents and kids. It’s also one of the most powerful summer camp marketing tools you can use. Not only is it an app that most of your campers’ parents are likely using on the daily, but it was also built for sharing photos – something every camp should have in abundant supply.
(If you don’t have a dedicated photographer, by the way, it’s a must-have! The investment will pay off in spades!)

IG is the perfect place to showcase your action-packed program shots, #tbt archival photos, and those stunning sunsets you capture alllll summer long. And if you couple great shots with engaging story vignettes, you’re not only connecting your parents with the experience their kids are having, but you’re putting them in their kids’ shoes. And there’s no better way to engage parents than that!

Since we’ve seen so many camps leverage Instagram as such a powerful marketing tool for their summer camps, we thought we’d dive in with introducing you to our first mini-collection of 10 great camp Instagram accounts to inspire you. Enjoy!

Pine Forest Camp – Greeley, PA

You’ll find Pine Forest Camp nestled in Pennsylvania’s Pocono Mountains, or where alumni, campers and staff like to say, “Up Where the Sky Begins.” And since being established in 1931, Pine Forest has offered a traditional co-ed camp experience. Check Pine Forest Camp out on Instagram for fun ways to reuse your archive photos and inspiration for candid camp photos.

ZanikaCamp Zanika – Wenatchee, WA

Camp Zanika sits on beautiful Lake Wenatchee in the Cascade Mountains of Washington State. And here, campers enjoy summers bathed in Mother Nature. The Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest surrounds the camp, and outdoor adventures are always on tap. You’ll find great ideas for promoting registration and your camp’s beautiful surrounds on Zanika’s Instagram page.

TannadoonaCamp Tanadoona – Excelsior, MN

Located on nearly 100 acres in Minnesota’s beautiful backcountry, Camp Tanadoona has welcomed Minnesotans for generations. At Tanadoona – which offers both day and overnight camp experiences – campers enjoy a summer packed full of adventure, e.g. canoe trips, camp outs, and roaring campfires. Check out Camp Tanadoona on Instagram for cool registration and event promotion ideas, as well as inspiration for camp action shots.

PinnacleCamp Pinnacle – Flat Rock, NC

Camp Pinnacle calls itself a “21st-century camp” because its culture and program philosophy is designed to provide skills and experiences that tomorrow’s leaders will need. Just take a look at the camp’s program: Tons of great activities (like rock climbing and archery), with team-building and youth development all part of the mix. Check them out on Instagram; you’ll find tons of photo inspiration, like stunning shots of Pinnacle’s campus.

WoodmontCamp Woodmont – Menlo, GA

Camp Woodmont offers summers filled with excitement in Georgia’s woodlands. What’s on the agenda? Woodmont campers can enjoy a range of activities (e.g. horseback riding, outdoor adventure, and non-competitive sports) while relaxing with panoramic views from atop Lookout Mountain. If you’re a camp photographer, you’ll find plenty of inspiration for taking fun action shots on Woodmont’s Instagram.

BucksRockBuck’s Rock Camp – New Milford, CT

At Buck’s Rock, campers spend a summer immersed in the arts. In fact, the camp offers more than 30 program areas, in the performing and creative arts, and campers have access to state-of-the-art facilities and a talented creative staff. On Instagram, Buck’s Rock has mastered using albums (a great way to make photos “sticker”) and produces some awesome shots of their various programs. This is a great way to inspire your own camp marketing.

ValleyViewValley View Ranch Equestrian Camp – Cloudland, GA

At Valley View Ranch, girls get to experience all things equestrian. Since 1954, Valley View has provided comprehensive riding programs and instruction – with English and Western classes available. Plus, there are miles of trails at the ranch, offering campers a chance to take afternoon horseback rides and learn advanced skills. Valley View Ranch does a great job of showing off their unique programming on Instagram with vibrant photos, videos, and albums of horses and the camp’s stunning landscapes.


Camp Androscoggin – Wayne, ME

Since 1907, Camp Androscoggin has offered generations of campers the ultimate summer escape. Tucked away in Maine’s picturesque lakes region, the camp has developed an adventure-filled summer program for boys: Team sports, tons of waterfront activities, and more than 100 years of tradition. Check out Androscoggin on Instagram for ideas for cool Now/Then photo collages, the inspiration for scenic photos, and ideas for capturing great action shots and video. Get inspired and then hit the ground running with your own camp marketing.

BirchwoodCamp Birchwood For Girls – LaPorte, MN

You’ll find Camp Birchwood in Minnesota’s Northwoods – a picturesque region known for its lakes and pristine forests. Founded in 1958, the camp sits on the shores of Steamboat Lake, the perfect setting for a summer of horseback riding, sailing, tennis and adventure. Check out Camp Birchwood on Instagram for ideas for sharing alumni photos (the camp has one well-known alumna), as well as ideas for showcasing your camp’s natural beauty.

Camp Robin Hood – Freedom, NH

camp robin hood instagramCamp Robin Hood uses Instagram in a variety of ways. In addition to sharing top notch photos, they also use the tool to share updates. One thing we love about Camp Robin Hood’s approach is that they also leverage Instagram Stories, which is fun way to engage their community beyond the standard feed. Robin Hood’s use of a Linking platform, such as or Later, means they can direct their fans to important info on the website as well.

The ball’s in your court!

As one of the most powerful digital marketing tools you can use for marketing your summer camp, Instagram cannot be overlooked. You’ve got photos, you’ve got stories, and with the app you have the power to create an impact with your campers and parents, giving them a window into everything camp. Camp marketing can be fun, and these camps show exactly how!

We hope you enjoyed our first mini-collection of 10 great camp Instagram accounts for a little Friday inspiration for camp marketing.

Who should we feature next?! If you know – or are – a camp who’s using Instagram, let us know in the comments or tell us here!